Surviving the Interview

Well MyBFF’s, I am proud to announce that I have been chosen as one of the finalists of this year’s Miss Spring Show. This include 2 months training and charity work and I have to admit I am quite excited and a bit nervous about it. Needless to say, the first step was to survive not one, but two interviews! Now I know that we all get a bit terrified when we hear that word, whether it comes to beauty pageants or doing application for a job. Therefore I would like to provide you with tips on how to survive an interview, whether it is your first or your 50th. Take note…

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Before the Interview

It is important to research the company you have the interview with. Find out what they are all about, what do they stand for and what they are looking for. When you did a background check, you will be confident in answering the questions, as you will know exactly what they are looking for. When you have a job interview, learn the product. The interviewer WILL ask you questions about their brands and products. Be prepared and ready for anything.

A closet full of clothes, but what to wear?

The way you dress is the most important thing about your interview, as it is the first impression you make and honey they do count! Your clothing can say more about you than you think and people will sum you up in terms of it. Firstly, determine what type of interview it is and then dress accordingly. When you have a modelling or beauty pageant interview, wear something that compliments your body (that however does not mean slutty) and you can use colour. For a sales job in retailing wear something smart casual. Put your personality into it but don’t overdo it either. Again, dress to what the company is looking for. A more formal job however, will require you to wear a suit. Just remember BFF’s, as Miss Kimora Lee Simmons say: less skin = more power!

Example of Modelling interview outfit. *Photo credit:

Example of Retail job interview. *Photo credit:

Example of formal job interview outfit. *Photo credit:

Makeup must always be done in a natural way and minimize accessories in order to avoid being distracting.

The interview

  1. Before entering the room, take a deep breath and believe in yourself.
  2. When entering, it is important to walk with great posture and greet everyone with a handshake, if the situation allows it, as it shows confidence.
  3. Listen carefully to the interviewer(s) questions and wait for them to finish.
  4. When answering, talk slowly and clearly.
  5. Provide them with honest answers and not with what you think they want to hear. People can tell when you have rehearsed answers and they don’t like that.
  6. Always change your negative characteristics into positives. For instance, when they ask you what you consider as one of your bad qualities, answer something like this: I always want to be in control of situations and tend to take the lead on everything, but this can also be good as we need people who can lead others in difficult situations and help them to achieve their goals.
  7. When leaving, thank the interviewer for their time and smile.
  8. Just remember that in everything you do, confidence is key, and if you don’t have confidence? Well, then you better fake it ’till you make it!

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